A Floral Love Letter to New York
Dear New York,
We stand together, we rally behind one another, we support each other. Always.
During what has been a very difficult few months, our great city and its residents have proven their strength and love for one another – we stayed home, while essential workers turned up; we applauded the selfless and tireless work of those on the frontline, and we continue to come together in mourning and in protest to demand meaningful change against the inequalities and injustices in our country.
In honor of New York City's fortitude, we partnered with our friend @lewismillerdesign to write a (floral) love letter to this city through a series of four Flower Flashes. Pictured is the centerpiece installation, located in the iconic Meatpacking District @meatpackingNY, as well as a series of supporting locations adorned with Lewis Miller's renowned 'Love Heart' Flower Flash.
To every New Yorker, essential and frontline worker, protester, adult and child – we salute you
With Love,


Medicine for the soul
Luther Burbank, the botanist said "Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul"
With our city going through such a hard time this floral love letter, created with Lewis Miller and supported by the Meatpacking District was our way of trying, in some small way, to offer people a momentary respite.
Locations included:
Meatpacking District; Barclay's Center (Brooklyn); Intersection at South Portland Avenue and Fulton Street (Brooklyn); Intersection at Spring and Hudson Streets (SoHo).
Some more images from our Floral Love Letter to New York